Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Włodzimierz Usarek


Former commander of the 2nd Tactical Air Wing – a tactical association equipped with F-16 aircraft, former commander of the Air Operations Center – Air Component Commander. He spent over 1.8 thousand hours at the controls of aircraft. hours. Decorated by the President of the Republic of Poland with the Bronze, Silver and Gold Cross of Merit and the Aviation Cross of Merit. For exemplary service in the aviation of the Polish Armed Forces, in particular for a large contribution to its development, strengthening combat readiness and training of air personnel, General W. Usarek was awarded twice by the Minister of National Defense with the honorary title “Meritorious Military Pilot” and the entry of merits in the Book of Honor Polish Army (2013). Rector of the Academy of Applied Sciences Prince Mieszko I in Poznań.

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jacek Pszczoła

Vice President

Master class pilot on fighter planes. He spent a total of 2,230 hours in the air, including over 1,100 hours at the controls of the F-16. He introduced the F-16 to the Polish air force fleet, prepared pilots for NATO certification and for service in military contingents. After completing the training, the officer became the deputy commander of the 10th Tactical Air Squadron in Łask. He actively participated in the preparation of forces and resources for combat duty in the NATINADS system (Integrated Air and Missile Defense – NATO Integrated Air Defense System).
He received his first general star on March 1, 2018, being the commander of the 2nd Tactical Air Wing. From August 1, 2018, Deputy Inspector of the Air Force, promotion to the position of Inspector of the Air Force took place shortly afterwards, on October 19, 2018. He received his second general’s star in November 2019. He was awarded, among others: the Silver Cross of Merit, the Air Cross of Merit, the Gold Medal “For merits for the defense of the country”, the Silver Medal “Armed forces in the service of the homeland” and the Silver Medal for Long Service.

Col. (Ret.) Krystian Zięć


Reserve Colonel, Pilot Instructor (F-16). He was the first to obtain an instructor’s license in the field of basic and tactical training on the F-16 aircraft, granted by USAF and USANG instructors after completing the training in Poland. First Commander of Tactical Groups (COMAO) – Mission Commander (F-16). The author of many innovative solutions affecting the effectiveness of operations at the level of subdivision and military unit. Former commander of the 32nd Tactical Air Base.
Co-responsible for creating the first permanent contingent of the US Armed Forces in Poland. He initiated basic training and co-created from scratch the system of operational use of the F-16 aircraft within the Polish Air Force. Responsible for air operations as part of NATO Air Meet exercises in 2003. He commanded, among others, F-16 contingents under the Tactical Leadership Program (Belgium), Frisian Flag (Netherlands), Tiger Meet (France), and the aviation team during the first ever certification of the F-16 system in the history of the Polish military – FORCEVAL, conducted by the NATO Taceval Division in 2011. The squadron under his command won the award of the best subdivision of the Air Force.

Anna Brzozowska

Expert, member of the team for conclusions from the implementation of the F-16 weapon system to PLSP

For over 30 years associated with the simulation and production of simulators and training devices. In her experience, she has worked in various positions (project manager, deputy manager of the simulator department, director of trade and marketing, president of the company’s management board) in the only company in Poland related to the above scope in the field of aviation – former President of the Management Board of ETC-PZL Aerospace Industries, a company responsible for providing solutions in the field of simulators and virtual reality. Responsible for the implementation of the offset program as part of the implementation of the F-16 system. Currently, director of simulator programs at Alioth Group.

Col. (Ret.) Tadeusz Pieciukiewicz

Expert, member of the team for conclusions from the implementation of the F-16 weapon system to PLSP

A graduate of the Military Academy of Aviation in Dęblin in the field of jet pilot. He served in tactical aviation units, flying TS-8, TS-11, LIM-2, LIM-6M, SU-7, SU-20, SU-22 aircraft. He completed his diploma studies at the Military Aviation Academy in Monino (former USSR), post-graduate operational and strategic studies at the US Army War College in Carlisle (USA) and the NATO Defense Academy in Rome. In 1993 he obtained the title of doctor of military sciences at the National Defense University in Warsaw. He ended his military service in 2004 as the Commander of the Air Operations Center in Warsaw.
In the years 2004-2022, as a civilian employee of the Ministry of National Defense, he was employed in the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Ministry of National Defense for the Implementation of Multi-Role Aircraft in the Polish Armed Forces (the so-called F-16 Office), and after its dismantling in December 2012, in the Armament Inspectorate as the Head of the Integrated Program Department F-16 and AJT aircraft.

Lt. Col. (Ret.) Tomasz Czerwiński

Expert, member of the team for conclusions from the implementation of the F-16 weapon system to PLSP

Former professional soldier, jet pilot. Former Commander of the M-346 Squadron and the Biało-Czerwone Iskry aerobatic team. He represented the Polish Air Force as the leader of the team during numerous shows in the country and abroad. He trained several generations of military pilots who successfully serve in various aviation units of the Air Force. He completed a course for US Air Force instructors on the T-38 aircraft and trained in Italy in the first group on the M-346 Bielik aircraft. He was the first Polish Squadron Commander to introduce the integrated flight training system of the M-346 Bielik aircraft into operation in the Polish Air Force. As the first pilot in the Polish Air Force, he was authorized to guide combat aircraft on air targets, as an advanced aviation guidance navigator (JTAC). In 2012, he was awarded the Buzdygan – an award of the Polska Zbrojna monthly. After leaving the army, he is a lecturer at the Aviation Military Academy in Dęblin and develops as a trainer and focuses his attention on the issue of conscious and responsible leadership.

Col. (Ret.) Piotr Gąstał


In January 1989, he began his basic military service in the National Air Defense Forces. In the fall of 1991, he began his service in the GROM Military Unit; he was in the Reconnaissance, Operations and Combat Teams cells. In 1993 he was part of a team tasked with creating a Combat Boat Group in GROM. In 1994, Gąstal took part in Operation Restore Democracy in Haiti. In 1996 he was deployed as part of the United Nations UNTAES mission in Slavonia. Participated in the 1997 operation to capture Slavko Dokmanovic (Operation Little Flower). In the following years, he took a number of additional courses and training in the United States and Germany. In 2008, at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, he received a master’s degree in National Security Studies – Counterterrorism Policy and Strategy.

In 1999 he took part in the OSCE KVM mission in Kosovo, during which he performed personal protection duties for Mission Chief William Walker. In 2003 Col. Gąstal participated in Operation Iraqi Freedom as an operations officer, working with Navy Seals and Army Special Forces. Upon his return from Iraq in 2004, he was entrusted with the creation of the Joint Task Force for Airborne Fire Support (JTAC) Guidance Group. In August 2011, the Minister of Defense appointed Gąstal as commander of the JW GROM. He held the position until September 8, 2016

Kamil Mazurek


Manager for over 10 years associated with the aviation, space and defense (A&D) sector, author of publications, reports, articles and presentations. A graduate of political science and doctoral studies at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw. He also studied at the University of Southampton in Great Britain.
Professionally associated with both the Polish and foreign defense sector, industry media, non-governmental organizations, as well as A&D market research, specializing in European issues. Author, among others the first scientific monograph in Poland entirely devoted to the European Defense Agency and a comprehensive report on new initiatives of the European Union in the defense sector – EDF, PESCO and CARD.