On Tuesday, December 3, the General Command of the Polish Armed Forces announced that the first US-made F-35A fighter jet successfully completed its test flight.[1]“Husarz”, an F-35A aircraft numbered AZ-02, took off from an air base in Fort Worth, Texas, located next to Lockheed Martin’s facilities. The flight began shortly after 1:30 p.m. local time and lasted more than an hour. Another F-35A from the Alabama State National Guard also participated, tasked with supporting the machine’s test run.[2]
The test flight of the F-35A fighter took place just three months after the ceremonial presentation and formal handover of the first F-35A to the Polish Air Force. On August 28, 2024, the first Polish “Husarz”, designated AZ-01, was officially unveiled at a gathering attended by, among others, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Defense Paweł Bejda, Deputy Minister of Defense Cezary Tomczyk and representatives of the command staff of the Polish Air Force.[3]
According to Lockheed Martin’s announcement, training of Polish pilots on the F35A aircraft is scheduled to begin in December, at Ebbing Air Force Base in Arkansas.[4] Six more F-35As are expected to arrive at the Ebbing base by the end of 2025. In 2026, the first aircraft of this type will be delivered to Poland, first to the 32nd Tactical Aviation Base in Łask, and then in 2027 to the 21st Tactical Aviation Base in Świdwin.[5]
According to the agreement signed in 2020, the Polish side is to receive 32 F-35A aircraft, along with a training package and spare engines, at a cost of $4.6 billion. Deliveries are expected to last until 2030, and the F-35 fighters, combined with the F-16 fleet, will form a key component of Polish combat aviation.[6]
Importantly, the Polish F-35A does not have the red-and-white checkerboard, which is the symbol of the Polish Air Force. It has been replaced by a low-visibility emblem adapted to the requirements of stealth technology. All F-35s will eventually be finished with special gray coatings that allow for low detection in the RF as well as infrared range. As General Wiesław Kukuła explained, the decision is based on concern for pilot safety and minimizing the risk of aircraft detection.[7]
Tekst powstał w ramach realizacji zadania publicznego zleconego w ramach Rządowego Programu Rozwoju Organizacji Obywatelskich na lata 2018–2030 r. „Bezpieczna Polska jutra – rozwój działań misyjnych Alioth Foundation”.
[1] D. Kamizela, Strefaobrony.pl „Pierwszy lot polskiego myśliwca wielozadaniowego F-35A” [online].
[2] J. Zagalski, Polska-zbrojna.pl „Husarz wystartował” [online].
[3] D. Cenciotti, Theaviationist.com, „Exclusive: First Polish Air Force F-35A Husarz Makes Maiden Flight” [online].
[4] Defence24.pl „Pierwszy lot polskiego F-35” [online].
[5] Ibidem.
[6] P. Miedziński, Portalobronny.se.pl „Pierwszy Polski F-35A Husarz odbył swój lot testowy. Lot miał trwać nieco ponad godzinę” [online].
[7] Ibidem.