At the end of July 2024, the first F-16 fighter jets arrived in Ukraine. The fact that the planes were received was confirmed on Sunday by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski, who made an appearance in front of them, speaking on the occasion of Air Force Day[1].

Delivery of the planes had been expected by the end of 2023, but was delayed by the longer-than-expected training of Ukrainian pilots. Training began in August 2023 in Denmark, Romania, the UK and the US. In the end, the first training sessions were not completed until May 2024, and the trained pilots returned to Europe, where they took part in tactical training. It was from here that delays arose, due to which the planes did not arrive in Ukraine on the originally scheduled date[2].

Negotiations for the delivery of F-16 aircraft began as early as February 2022. Initially, the U.S. was reluctant to supply Ukraine with fighter jets[3] and President Joe Biden ruled out sending F-16s in early 2023[4], but in August of the same year the President gave the green light to the effort – but the planes being transferred were to come from the air forces of other countries. Denmark and the Netherlands were the first countries to decide to support Ukraine. From these two countries Ukraine received the first round of fighters. In total, the country can expect more than 50 aircraft from Denmark and the Netherlands, 19 from Denmark and 42 from the Netherlands[5].

There was also a conversation between Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Volodymyr Zelenski in July 2024. In this conversation, Donald Tusk conveyed the information that the Polish side will make every effort to accelerate the handover of aircraft. However, the Prime Minister stressed, this is about logistical aspects and the delivery of machines from countries that have already specified that they will support Ukraine, not the delivery of Polish aircraft[6].

Significantly, members of the Air Force Capability Coalition for Ukraine assure that support will not slow down anytime soon. In early August 2024, there was a statement that Coalition Members are working on an ongoing basis to strengthen Ukraine’s air capabilities through the continued provision of pilot training and the delivery of fighter aircraft[7].

Tekst powstał w ramach realizacji zadania publicznego zleconego w ramach Rządowego Programu Rozwoju Organizacji Obywatelskich na lata 2018–2030 r. „Bezpieczna Polska jutra – rozwój działań misyjnych Alioth Foundation”.


[1] G. Kuczyński Gazeta Lubuska “F-16 ma czym postraszyć Rosjan. Jak te samoloty wpłyną na przebieg wojny na Ukrainie?” [online],

F-16 ma czym postraszyć Rosjan. Jak te samoloty wpłyną na przebieg wojny na Ukrainie? | Gazeta Lubuska [dostęp: 05.08.2024]

[2] M. Strembski “Przebywająca w Arizonie pierwsza grupa ukraińskich pilotów ukończyła szkolenie na myśliwcach F-16, co przybliża moment wykorzystania tych samolotów w walce z rosyjską agresją” [online],

Pierwsi ukraińscy piloci ukończyli szkolenie na F-16 – Portal Militarny [dostęp: 25.05.2024]

[3] M. Powell University of Portsmouth “After months of negotiations Ukraine will be getting the F-16 warplanes it has been begging for – here’s why that’s important” [online]

After months of negotiations Ukraine will be getting the F-16 warplanes it has been begging for – here’s why that’s important | University of Portsmouth [dostęp: 23.08.2023]

[4] F. Schwartz Financial Times “Joe Biden rules out US sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine” [online],

Joe Biden rules out US sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine ( [dostęp: 01.31.2023]

[5] P. Felstead European Security & Defence “First F-16s officially enter the inventory of the Ukrainian Air Force” [online],

First F-16s officially enter the inventory of the Ukrainian Air Force – European Security & Defence ( [dostęp: 05.08.2024]

[6] A. Borek “Polska przyspiesza dostawę myśliwców F-16 na Ukrainę. To efekt rozmów Zełenskiego z Tuskiem” [online],

Polska przyspiesza dostawę myśliwców F-16 na Ukrainę. To efekt rozmów Zełenskiego z Tuskiem – [dostęp: 19.07.2024]

[7] U.S. Mission Poland U.S. Embassy & Consulate in Poland “Joint Statement on F-16s for Ukraine from U.S. President Joseph R. Biden, Dutch Prime Minister Dick Schoof,and Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen” [online]

Joint Statement on F-16s for Ukraine from U.S. President Joseph R. Biden, Dutch Prime Minister Dick Schoof,and Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen – U.S. Embassy & Consulate in Poland ( [dostęp: 10.07.2024]