On December 7, we had the honor of visiting the Prince Mieszko I Medical Academy in Poznań, where we met with students to talk about the role of NGOs in Poland, especially in the context of the challenges following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the ways in which NGOs support society and respond to current crises. Our visit was part of the “Safe Poland of Tomorrow” project, implemented with the support of the National Freedom Institute. Center for the Development of Civil Society.

The lecture was opened by General Włodzimierz Usarek, President of Alioth Foundation, who stressed the importance of education and youth development in the context of building a stable future: “Our foundation’s goal is to provide students from all over Poland, who participate in our various competitions and meetings, with opportunities for development.” – General Usarek noted.

The floor was then taken by Piotr Drzewiecki, Vice President of Alioth Foundation, who referred to the importance of the third sector and civil society’s commitment to the common good: “More than 8 million Poles are in some way connected with various NGOs. They are members of associations, members of volunteer fire departments, scouts, volunteers, people who contribute, support foundations and associations.”

During the event, we discussed in detail the structure of Poland’s third sector, which consists of some 20,000 foundations and 70,000 associations. We emphasized the important role of pro-defense organizations, think tanks and veterans’ associations. They are the backbone of social resilience, engaging in patriotic education, pro-defense activities and emergency support. We also pointed to the growing role of corporate foundations, which, although not yet very visible in Poland, are playing an increasingly important role in building corporate social responsibility. “Corporate foundations are organizations created by companies and partnerships that set aside a portion of their resources for the implementation of social goals as part of their business activities. These are activities that allow them to focus not only on generating profit, but also on giving back some of what they have earned to society. Such projects support education, the development of local communities and promote the idea of sustainable development” – we pointed out during the lecture.

During the meeting, we presented our flagship project – a competition for the best theses in national security, defense and defense industry. The competition awards theses of high merit that make a real contribution to the development of security-related solutions. In previous editions, more than 100 theses were submitted, and the total prize pool amounted to nearly 40 thousand zlotys. Among other things, we have awarded studies on the use of satellite imaging and the security of trade and transport routes. The winners’ works are published on our website, so they can serve a wide audience and inspire future generations of researchers. We also touched on the topic of civic education, which is a key element in developing social resilience.

Non-governmental organizations, working with state and local government institutions, have the opportunity to raise public awareness and inspire active action on behalf of local communities. During the lecture, we pointed out that since the beginning of the war crisis in Ukraine, the Boy Scouts and Volunteer Fire Departments have played an important role, organizing from the bottom up and activating the public to act in support of refugees. It was their quick response and commitment that deserves special mention. The meeting ended with a discussion with students, who asked questions about the role of NGOs in crisis management and their impact on shaping civic attitudes.

We sincerely thank the Medical Academy and all the participants for their participation and numerous questions. It is crucial for us to involve young people in efforts to build a secure future for our country. Our goal is to instill in students a sense of responsibility for creating the safe Poland of tomorrow.

Tekst powstał w ramach realizacji zadania publicznego zleconego w ramach Rządowego Programu Rozwoju Organizacji Obywatelskich na lata 2018–2030 r. „Bezpieczna Polska jutra – rozwój działań misyjnych Alioth Foundation”.