In a sign of unwavering commitment to security and regional cooperation, the Gizycki Rosomaks, an elite unit of the Polish Armed Forces, embarked together with the Lithuanian Army Infantry Brigade “Gryf” and the NATO Battalion Battle Group stationed in the Republic of Lithuania[1] on a joint training mission. This strategic partnership not only underscores the importance of supporting strong alliances within NATO, but also the joint commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the Baltic region.

Soldiers of the NATO Battalion Battle Group stationed in Lithuania were also included in the joint training program. Trainees from various NATO member countries, bring a variety of expertise to the table. The Rosomaks took the opportunity to train alongside partners from different countries, honing their skills in a dynamic and diverse environment.

The first stage of the training was tactical operations conducted under the code name “BEAR TRAP – 23”, which were primarily aimed at improving the efficiency of movement of soldiers within and outside the borders. The subdivisions of the Gizycki Rosomaks focused on perfecting their skills, especially the art of marching military columns over long distances. One of the most important tasks was crossing the border of the Republic of Poland[2] , an important step towards increasing the interoperability of the forces participating in the training.

Exercise “BEAR TRAP – 23” was an excellent opportunity for the brigade’s soldiers to familiarize themselves with the specifics of the roads and terrain in the area of operations. Knowledge of the terrain and the corresponding necessary actions is crucial to the effects of military operations, and this phase of training allowed soldiers to familiarize themselves with a variety of environments, increasing their readiness for any future joint operations.

After successfully overcoming the challenges posed by “BEAR TRAP – 23”, the Rosomaks moved smoothly into the next phase of international cooperation – the start of the extremely important tactical exercise “STRONG GRIFFIN – 23”, the main objective of which was to restore combat capability and perform complex military maneuvers[3] .

“STRONG GRIFF – 23” was the most important task during the joint exercise of the Gizyckie Rosomaks of the Lithuanian Army Infantry Brigade “Gryf” and the NATO Battalion Combat Group. It was aimed at testing the ability of coordination, mutual communication and efficiency of operations of the combined forces[4] . Soldiers conducted a number of maneuvers and strategic operations, honing their ability to effectively respond to various challenges of potential threats.

The exercise not only allowed the demonstration of each unit’s skills, but also highlighted the synergy achieved through joint training. The Rosomaks, along with their Lithuanian and NATO counterparts, demonstrated their commitment to regional security and the strengthening of the alliance within NATO. “STRONG GRIFF – 23” is a testament to effective international cooperation to build a powerful and united front against potential threats.

In conclusion, the successful completion of “BEAR TRAP – 23” and the subsequent undertaking of “STRONG GRIFF – 23” underscore the commitment of the Gizyckie Rosomaks and their partners to developing a robust and cooperative defense posture. These tactical exercises not only strengthened the military capabilities of the participating forces, but also strengthened ties between nations, providing a united front in the face of evolving security challenges.


Tekst powstał w ramach realizacji zadania publicznego zleconego w ramach Rządowego Programu Rozwoju Organizacji Obywatelskich na lata 2018–2030 r. „Bezpieczna Polska jutra – rozwój działań misyjnych Alioth Foundation”.



Photo: Wheeled Armored Transporter Rosomak in the version for carrying the Spike ATGM – Rosomak-S, Ministry of National Defence, [accessed: 20.11.2023 r.]

[1] Gizyckie Rosomaks set off for Lithuania – online, [accessed: 14.11.2023].

[2] [accessed: 15.11.2023r]

[3] Abrams, Wolverines and Bradley fighting vehicles. Poles exercise in Lithuania. – Online -13-11-aa-CLyt-jPrB-JL73.html [accessed 15.11.2023 r].

[4] Gizyckie Rosomaks set off for Lithuania – online, [accessed 14.11.2023].