Greatness takes time… So much so that nothing can be achieved without work. It will not be easy, it will not be immediate…. But it’s worth it! It’s worth it to be good, it’s worth it to be decent, it’s worth it not to give up in pursuit of the goal. How to find your way? What does it mean for a person to be great? What values do you need to follow? Finally, what is the path to success and how much time and work does it cost?[1]

These and other questions had the opportunity to be answered by extraordinary personalities who deal with a variety of topics on a daily basis. We, as the Alioth Foundation, also had the opportunity to make our contribution to the project “Local Government Leaders of Tomorrow 2.0” which is co-financed by the Local Government of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. Such initiatives often focus on developing leadership skills, inspiring young people to take an active part in society and shaping positive values and attitudes.

  1. Greatness takes time and work: greatness is often the result of time, effort and hard work. Success usually does not come immediately, but through systematic efforts and overcoming difficulties.
  2. Achieving goals: in order to achieve goals, it is important to set specific goals, be persistent in pursuing them and be willing to learn from your mistakes. Self-work, self-discipline and consistency are key.
  3. Personal value: A person’s greatness is often measured by his character, morals and attitude. Being good, decent, sticking to one’s principles and respecting others are the foundations of personal values.
  4. Finding your own path: finding your path in life is a process of self-discovery, exploring interests and gaining experience. It’s worth experimenting, being open to new possibilities, and finding passion.
  5. Path to success: the path to success often involves determination, flexibility to adapt to change, the ability to learn and the ability to deal with failure. It is also important to develop relationships with other people and benefit from community support.
  6. Values to guide: Values such as honesty, empathy, respect, responsibility and humility can be a compass to guide our behavior. Being guided by such values can contribute to sustainable and satisfying success.

Res. Col. Piotr Gąstał, as an Alioth Foundation expert responded: Each of us, as we go through our lives and look back, can tell for ourselves whether I did something important in life, whether I achieved the goals I set, whether the passions I had succeeded, and I think that greatness lies within each of us. The issue is how we ourselves approach it at the end, because greatness is not wealth, greatness is not all those material possessions that we accumulate throughout our lives, but in my opinion greatness lies in the fact that we were able to bring help to others, to those who need it, to those who were persecuted, discriminated against. To those who found themselves in very hard war times that threatened their lives, and somewhere here, we soldiers seek this greatness by helping other people.

We encourage you to watch the full video to see the responses of the other guests who had the opportunity to participate in this very inspiring project. Just click here.


Ph: screenshot from video

[1] [accessed: 6.12.2023 r.]