What are the current characteristics of air and missile defence? On what levels is there a need to implement changes in the Polish Air Force? Why was the Russian Federation unable to gain an advantage in Ukrainian airspace? What will be the war of the future using artificial intelligence? These questions and much more were answered by Colonel Res. Pilot Krystian Zięć, former commander of the 32nd Tactical Air Base in Łask and Alioth Foundation expert, in Robert Cheda’s ‘Scale of Threat’ programme.

Robert Cheda: Colonel, I recalled images like the Battle of Midway or the Battle of Britain, which I grew up on, by the way, encounter air buoys at 150 metres, just like a gun range, then radar came into that. And what does air warfare look like today? (…).

Res. Col. pil. Krystian Zięć: Modern warfare in the air domain looks like the capabilities we have at our disposal and how the opponent allows us to conduct the operation. Today we have a total of two major operations in the world, for now. One is in Ukraine, which has been going on for a relatively long time, and the other is Israel’s brand new armed conflict. These are two diametrically opposed conflicts also implemented in the air domain. And, for all intents and purposes, neither of these conflicts is relevant to what modern air domain operations might look like (…).

Robert Cheda: Colonel, but as I understand it, the aims and objectives of air warfare have not changed. Why is mastery of the enemy’s skies or airspace so important for other components, for the final victory?

Res. Col. pil. Krystian Zięć: Air superiority is very crucial for the conduct of operations on land and sea. Without air superiority, as a matter of fact, no operations conducted on the ground and at sea have, in principle, a chance of success (…).


We encourage you to read the entire interview available below: