We are pleased to announce that the Contest Committee appointed by the Contest Organizer has reviewed and evaluated the submitted entries. The purpose of the Alioth Group’s competition for the best thesis was to promote the raising of public awareness of national security and to recognize those young people who in their scientific work have decided to be associated with this key issue in these times.

A total of 37 theses submitted by former students and doctoral students of universities such as the University of Warsaw, Jagiellonian University, the Military University of Technology, the Academy of Military Arts and many others were admitted to the competition.

The Chairman of the Competition Committee decided to award the following prizes:

1st place (prize of PLN 7,000) – Dr. Aneta Kolodziej for her doctoral thesis entitled Counteracting disinformation in shaping the national security of the Republic of Poland, defended at the Academy of Military Arts in 2022.

Second place (award of PLN 5000) – Zuzanna Rybka for her master’s thesis entitled. “Diagnosis and prospects for the development of the Polish defense industry,” defended at the Military University of Technology in 2022.

Third place (award of PLN 3,000) – Joanna Łozińska for her master’s thesis entitled. “Unmanned aerial systems in the airport security system” defended at the Air Force Military Academy in Deblin in 2021.

We congratulate all awardees and encourage them to follow the Alioth Foundation. The next edition of the competition will be held next year.

The Alioth Foundation’s mission is to build the safe Poland of tomorrow. We believe that thanks to our activities, the people of Poland will be more aware of the threats, emerging especially in the context of the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine.