On January 26, at the 32nd Tactical Air Base, Gen. Pszczoła made his last flight in military aviation and thus bid farewell to his uniform after 36 years of service. He spent more than 2,230 hours in the air. He was one of the first Polish pilots to train to operate F-16 fighters.

Immediately after completing his training, the officer became deputy commander of the 10th Tactical Aviation Squadron in Łask. He also took an active part in preparing forces and resources for combat duty in the NATINADS (NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defense) system. He received his first general star on March 1, 2018 while commanding the 2nd Tactical Air Wing. On August 1, 2018 he became Deputy Inspector of the Air Force, promotion to the position of Inspector of the Air Force took place shortly thereafter, on October 19, 2018. General Bee received his second general star in November 2019. His service has been recognized many times by his superiors, as evidenced by decorations such as: Silver Cross of Merit, Air Force Cross of Merit, Gold Medal “For Meritorious Service to National Defense”, Silver Medal “Armed Forces in Service to the Fatherland” and Silver Medal for Long Service.

The knowledge and experience of commanders of such merit as General Bee should not be diluted with their termination of service. Therefore, we are truly pleased to announce that General Bee has joined the Alioth Foundation team as of February 5, 2023. Our mission is to educate the next generation and raise public awareness about defense and security. The Foundation is currently working on a publication devoted to conclusions and recommendations for decision-makers from the process of implementing the F-16 system into the Polish Armed Forces. Gen. Pszczoła’s experience is invaluable in this regard.

The main photo is from Gen. Pszczoła’s farewell flight, which took place on January 26.
Read more: https://www.wojsko-polskie.pl/dgrsz/articles/aktualnosci-w/pozegnalny-lot-inspektora-sil-powietrznych/.
Photo: DGRSZ

Mr. General, welcome aboard!