The French Armed Forces have revealed plans to acquire a new advanced anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) called ACCP (Anti-char courte portée, Polish for short-range anti-tank missile)[1].

The event, reported Nov. 26, has sparked widespread interest and speculation about moves by France seeking to maintain its leadership in military technology. The ACCP missile system could play a key role in the Armée de Terre’s efforts to modernize its arsenal and enhance its ability to counter threats posed by armored enemy equipment on today’s modern battlefield.

Although details are limited, preliminary reports suggest that the ACCP ppk represents a step forward in terms of technological advancement and operational capabilities. The ACCP ppk is expected to be equipped with advanced precision targeting and guidance systems, as well as state-of-the-art technology to effectively counter threats emerging on the modern battlefield. The missile system is likely to incorporate the latest advances in sensor manufacturing technology, including infrared and laser guidance systems, to ensure accuracy and effectiveness against heavily armored targets[2].

The decision to acquire the ACCP PPK underscores the French armed forces’ commitment to maintaining an effective deterrent against armored equipment threats. As armored warfare continues to evolve and adversaries employ increasingly sophisticated tank technology, having a versatile and technologically advanced anti-tank capability is critical. ACCP’s operational significance lies in its potential to offer the Armée de Terre a more robust and adaptable solution to countering armored threats, contributing to the overall effort to modernize the armed forces[3]

The development and acquisition of the ACCP ppk can be a field for cooperation with international partners and industry defense experts. Such cooperation not only brings diverse expertise, but also offers prospects for strengthening diplomatic ties and fostering interoperability with allied forces. The French armed forces have long been involved in joint projects, and the ACCP initiative can further strengthen France’s position in the global defense community.

The acquisition of the ACCP PPK represents a milestone in the modernization efforts of the French armed forces. The potential of the missile system and the opportunities presented by technological advances could position France as a leader in anti-tank warfare, influencing the landscape of armored conflict in the coming years. The ACCP project exemplifies France’s commitment to staying at the forefront of military innovation and adapting to the changing nature of security challenges on the international stage.


Tekst powstał w ramach realizacji zadania publicznego zleconego w ramach Rządowego Programu Rozwoju Organizacji Obywatelskich na lata 2018–2030 r. „Bezpieczna Polska jutra – rozwój działań misyjnych Alioth Foundation”.



Photo: France intends to procure (and probably independently develop) a new guided anti-tank missile, lighter and cheaper than the Akeron MP. Fot. Armée de terre [accessed: 11.12.2023r]

[1]Armée de terre plans to deploy new anti-tank guided missile – online, [accessed: 1.12.2023r]


[3]French interested in light PPK – online, [accessed: 4.12.2023r]