The Military Recruiting Center in Sandomierz announced on Tuesday November 14, on the X platform (formerly Twitter) plans to establish an Aerostat Radiotechnical Battalion. The first post is to be formed in July 2026[1] in town Czerwony Bór.

The Armaments Agency has provided information that it has sent a request to the United States for the delivery of four aerostats under the Barbara program. The implementation of this program would allow an increase in reconnaissance capabilities without the need for AWACS (Airbone Warning and Control System) aircraft and other aerial machines[2].

The use of aerostats, or tethered balloons, for radio reconnaissance will make it possible to monitor vast areas, giving military units operating in the area greater knowledge of the conditions there.

The expected results of the formation of the Aerostat Radiotechnical Battalion are:
1. Expanding surveillance coverage[3]: the position of the aerostat operating high in the air will expand surveillance coverage, allowing the battalion to monitor communications and electronic signals over larger geographic areas. Increasing the ABR’s surveillance coverage will enable earlier detection of potential threats and provide an influx of key information useful for strategic decision-making.
2. Technological advances: the battalion will use state-of-the-art technology for signal processing, data analysis and communications interception. Integrating advanced technology means greater precision and accuracy when gathering and interpreting intelligence information.
3. The creation of the Aerostat Radio Reconnaissance Battalion demonstrates the rapid and effective response of the Polish Armed Forces to threats and challenges. By enhancing radio reconnaissance capabilities, the battalion will contribute to national security in several ways:

  • Early warning and threat detection: The surveillance range, increased through the use of aerostat, will enable faster detection of threats and earlier warning of them, providing the Polish Armed Forces with a strategic advantage in responding to enemy actions.
  • Counterintelligence and electronic warfare: the battalion’s soldiers will focus on radio reconnaissance, also undertaking counterintelligence activities and participating in electronic warfare, enabling identification and mitigation of the effects of enemy actions aimed at disrupting communication systems. Strategic decision-making: Access to comprehensive and timely intelligence obtained through the Aerostat Radio Battalion will provide military commanders with the information they need to make effective strategic decisions.

The Military Recruiting Center’s decision to establish an Aerostat Radiotechnical Battalion is a strategic initiative in the context of the development and future of the Polish Armed Forces.


Tekst powstał w ramach realizacji zadania publicznego zleconego w ramach Rządowego Programu Rozwoju Organizacji Obywatelskich na lata 2018–2030 r. „Bezpieczna Polska jutra – rozwój działań misyjnych Alioth Foundation”.



Photo: Aerostat radar ship at Truman annex in July 1987. Photo by Raymond L. Blazevic. , Florida Keys–Public Libraries from Key West, Fla.,USA [accessed: 28.11.2023r]

[1] An aerostat battalion will be formed – online, [accessed: 23.11.2023r]

[2] Ibidem.

[3] Ministry of National Defence wants to acquire aerostats for airspace monitoring. – online, [accessed: 24.11.2023r]